Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Other New Blog: TecTrends Monitor

I am now blogging about tech industry trends and news for an SF Bay Area company, TecTrends / Information Sources. I've been reading and summarizing tech press articles for them for a while, and started noticing patterns of articles, trends that show up in several trade journals at about the same time. I suggested a blog to discuss these trends, they liked the idea, and we launched it yesterday.

Right now the blog, TecTrends Monitor, is extremely plain vanilla - Wordpress does very little hand holding, and I'll have to figure out style sheets and such before I can do things like adding the company logo to the header. And so far the only post is my welcome message. Drop by and leave a comment anyway!

Posting will be fairly sporadic at first, due to budget constraints, but I'm looking forward to this! (No, of course I won't be deserting Rocketpunk Manifesto - bloggo ergo sum!) If the comment threads are anything to go by, my readership here is not lacking in tech geekitude, so some of you might want to keep an eye on TecTrends Monitor in the weeks to come.

And getting paid to blog - how cool is that?

(While I'm at it, also a hat tip to The European Courier, where I write commentary about US politics more or less monthly.)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new gig!
Kind of a chicken and egg thing...does the new tech drive the interest in news-article trends or does the news-article trends drive the interest in the new tech?


Rick said...

Thanks! I think the tech itself is the main driver - people not interested in tech don't care that much about trends in it, but tech geeks (and people in the tech industry) care a lot, because it is interesting, or their bread and butter, or both.

Rick said...

Ferrell - I just saw that you also commented at TTM - thanks! (I forgot till just now that comments there are moderated, and I needed to approve it for it to show up.)

As I mentioned in reply there, a feedback loop does operate - part of the role of the tech press is to tell people where the action is.

Carla said...


Anonymous said...

A paying gig! Congratulations!


Rick said...

Cool, huh!

Follow the link on the main page and check out the tweaks I've made there (like adding the company logo).

Anonymous said...

Por que no:)

Anonymous said...

tudo bem?, apareci aqui para desejar a todos um óptimo 2011!
Bom ano

Anonymous said...

Hola a todos , acabo leer ahora su proyecto en este blog , gustó ayudar a la gente web dando gran escritura !
Buen Trabajo , Buenas noches y tener un gran 2011! me disculpo por mi mala español!

Anonymous said...

Olá colocas assuntos extremamente giros no teu blogue....

Anonymous said...

learned a lot

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